Info - Service information

Contract Post Office 17549 Vrtogoš started operating at the following address: Vrtogoš nn, Municipality of Vranje. This delivery post office with one automated counter and one delivery zone, provides payment services, as well as receipt and delivery of postal items. Working hours of the post office are from Monday to Friday, from 9am to 1pm.

Contract Post Office 11015 Belgrade 165 started operating at the following address: 26 Ljermontova St., Belgrade. At two counters, postal and financial services are being provided, the receipt of postal items performed, as well as sales of postal securities.

Working hours of the post office are on weekdays from 8am to 7pm, on Saturdays from 8am to 1pm.

Today the new corporate Post Office 31113 Užice has started to operate within the General Hospital of Health Centre Užice, Miloša Obrenovića Street No. 17.

The Post Office will be open Monday - Friday from 8.00 to 14.00hrs and Saturdays from 8.00-12.00hrs, with the payment services (inpayments and cash withdrawals), exchange office point and collection of postal items avaliable.

Based on the  Decree (Official Gazette of RS no. 108/2022), the sale of the charity stamp "Children’s Week" started on October 3, 2022 and will last until October 9, 2022.

Charity stamp costs 10.00 RSD.

The remote franchise counter of the post office 31208 Rožanstvo has started to operate on September 5, in the settlement Nikojevići, within the retail facility „Ravni Post“, Užice.

Payment services are provided at the counter, which is open on working days from 8 to 10 a.m.