Does Post of Serbia and/or the Bank redeem free shares?
The Bank and the Post of Serbia do not redeem free shares, they just mediate the sale in a way that they forward the issued sale orders to the Stock Market, where the purchase and sale of the shares are done.
Am I going to lose the right to free shares if I do not sell them until 31/12/2026?
No, but sale of free shares after 31/12/2026 shall not be free of charge, that is, a client himself shall bear the costs of brokers’ commission, Stock Market commission, The Central Register commission and the Bank`s Commission.
Are there any costs related to the sale of shares?
No, unless a citizen decides to check whether his/her order is realized by sending an SMS.
To whom I may talk in case I want to sell my shares?
You should talk to a person at the post office counters authorized for the reception of orders for the first sale of free shares.
Is it necessary to submit the certificate on possession of shares when issuing the order?
It is not necessary.
Can I issue the order now, and conclude the contract later?
No, conclusion of the contract is a prerequisite for issuing the order. The contract is to be concluded only once, immediately before the issuing of the first sale order.
What price shall I state in the sale order?
A customer himself/herself makes a decision on the price he/she is about to state in the sale order. During the order issuing the counter workers must not in any way suggest the price or the amount.
What if I am not satisfied with the price?
While issuing the sale order, a customer lists the minimum price at which he/she is willing to sell his/her shares, i.e., the shares cannot be realized at the price lower than the one listed in the order. A client can issue the order at the price he/she thinks is appropriate, regardless of the fact that the listed price is not close to the current one, i.e., he/she can keep track on the fluctuation of prices and issue the order once the price is close to the one a client is intended to list.
How do I know that my shares are sold at the price I listed?
The form of the order is such that the shares cannot be sold at the price lower than the one listed in it, hence, if the shares are sold, it must be minimum at the price listed.
If I find the price of shares adequate today, can I issue the sale order that day, or do I have to do it earlier? How earlier?
All orders issued at the post office counters until 9:30 shall be entered to the Stock Market the same day, whereas the orders issued after 9:30 shall be entered to the Stock Market the next work day.
Can I sell only the part of the shares?
Of course, and every next sale of free shares done at the Stock Market until 31/12/2024 shall be exempted from tax and other transaction costs.
Can I issue the sale order, and then change my mind?
Yes, the sale order can be cancelled at the post office counter by issuing the cancellation order, under the condition that the sale order has not already been realized at the Stock Market.
Does the price of the shares change, and if it does, depending on what?
The price of the shares changes depending on the changes in supply and demand at the Stock Market.
Does issuing the sale order mean that my shares are sold?
Issuing the order alone does not mean that it is realized, i.e. the Bank is obliged to present the orders received at the post office shelters to the Stock Market, where the pairing of sale and purchase orders is done. If at that moment there are no purchase orders at the Stock Market, the sale orders issued at the post office counters shall not be realized.
Once I issue the sale order, how long does it take to get the money transferred to my bank account?
Money transferring depends on the moment of the realization of the order (payment is done within two work days from the realization day), and not on the day of issuing the order at the post office counters.
Where is the money obtained from the sold shares deposited?
The payment is done to the cash account you listed on registration for free shares or during issuing the sale order, when the person in the post office authorised for the reception of orders for the first sale of free shares enters the data on the new account.
Can I withdraw the money in any post office?
The money obtained from the free shares sale can be withdrawn from the bank account in any post office, submitting the ID card for inspection. If the money is transferred to the cash account which was not assigned during the registration for free shares, along with ID card, it is necessary to submit a cash account card.
Do I have to withdraw the money obtained from the sale of free shares immediately, and are there any expenses if I do not withdraw it immediately?
There is no time limit for withdrawal of the money obtained from the sold shares which is transferred to your bank account, but the interest is not paid to the funds in this account. There are no maintaining, opening or closing costs for cash accounts assigned while registration for free shares.
Are there authorized persons for cash accounts?
There are no authorized persons for cash accounts for free shares assigned while registration for free shares. A specific purpose account for the shares can be opened in the bank (the one used both for free and any other shares), which has the option of giving the authorization.
I have lost my card, i.e. I forgot the number of my cash account?
In case the cash account is different from the one listed while registration for free shares, a client is obliged to submit the card of his/her new cash account, or to submit the contract from the bank, since not all the banks issue the cards.
Do I have to issue the order again after 90 days, when it expires, or does it get automatically extended?
In case the sale order does not realize within 90 days from the issuing day, a client is obliged to issue a new sale order. The bank and Post of Serbia are not obliged to inform a client that the sale order has expired.
Can I issue the orders once in one, and then in another branch office?
Of course, under the assumption that there are available free shares on your holding account in the Central Register.
My parents work abroad, can I issue the order in their name?
The orders for free shares are issued personally, i.e. via person authorized, along with submitting the Special court authorization for these purposes (Special authorization form can be obtained at the bank or post office counters, as well as downloaded from the internet address of the bank:
Can the sale orders be issued at the post office counters only based on the decision on inheritance?
Nо, the shares must be reclassified from a testator to an inheritor. Reclassification of shares is done only in the bank, and not at the post office counters. The list of branch offices of the bank, and the documentation necessary for reclassification is available on the internet address of the bank:
Can the purchase orders be issued at the post office counters?
Nо. Only the orders for free shares sale can be issued at the post office counters.
Can I purchase the shares from other persons?
Yes, but not in this procedure. It is necessary for you to sign a new contract with аn Investment Company or the authorized bank, through which you can issue a purchase order.
When shall I be able to sell the shares of Telekom and Shareholders` Fund?
Shares of Telekom and Shareholders` Fund could be sold once they enter the Stock Market.
Can I sell my shares independently from the Stock Market to a natural or a legal person who may bring a better offer?
The selling of the public enterprises` shares is only possible at the Stock Market, by issuing the orders through brokers, which are then realized at the Stock Market.
When is the deadline for selling free shares?
There is no deadline, however, if the question refers to the sale exempted from taxes and the costs of brokers` services, the deadline is 31/12/2024.
What if I do not want to sell the shares through the chosen broker (Bank Poštanska Štedionica, a.d., Belgrade)?
In case you choose another broker, it is necessary to contact the Chosen broker, which will, commission free, do the transfer of free shares to another broker. In this case, you alone shall bear the costs of broker`s services, but in case of selling the free shares, you are exempted from paying the fees of the Central register and the Stock Market, providing the sale is done until 31/12/2024.
What documentation do I need and who shall I contact related to the change of basic data (e.g. change of name, surname, PIN, address etc.?
Change of data can be done in all branch offices of the bank. In order to change PIN, you will need a valid ID card, and the decision, i.e. the certificate issued by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, containing the data on both the wrong and the correct PIN. For the purpose of changing the last name and other changes, you will need only a valid ID card.
I inherited free shares. What is the procedure concerning transfer of shares and what documentation is required?
Changing the ownership of shares upon the legally valid decision on inheritance can be done in all branch offices of the bank, and the list of required documentation is available on the web site of the bank:
I would like to know where I could check the balance on the holder`s account for free shares?
The balance on the holder`s account for free shares can be checked in all branch offices of the bank.
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